Farmlands, fields and flowers
(Translation of French lyrics can be found on Lyrics Translate)
(Translation of French lyrics can be found on Lyrics Translate)
“Il y a des fleurs partout pour qui veut bien les voir.” Henri Matisse (“There are flowers everywhere for those
“The gilding of the Indian summer mellowed the pastures far and wide. The russet woods stood ripe to be stripped,
A farmhouse – the picture of simplicity, comfort and tranquility. Follow Pietie’s page on Facebook for more farmhouse inspiration.
Song: How sweet I roam’d from field to field BY WILLIAM BLAKE How sweet I roam’d from field to field,
Pietie loved painting fields and farmlands, the rich shades of autumn spread alluringly across many of his canvases. His two
This was Pietie’s very first attempt at an oil painting. It was the start of countless beautiful creations. ‘Do not despise